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Cooke L.J. Haworh C.M,A, Wardle J. (2007). ,,Genetic and enviromental influences on children’s food neophobia.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 86:428-433

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Lampe, JW. 1999. ,,Health effects of vegatables and fruit: Assessing mechanisms of action in human experimental studies.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 70(3):475S-490S

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Umboðismaður barna. (2014). Málaflokkar, Öryggi. Sótt 25. maí 2016 á veraldarvefinn :

Thelma Gunnarsdóttir. (munnleg heimild 22. maí 2016).

Þórunn Katla Tómasdóttir. (Desember 2008). Næring og heilsa leikskólabarn. Sótt 26. maí 2016 á veraldarvefinn :æring_og_heilsa_leikskólabarna.pdf


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